A Beginner's Introduction to HTML via Solo-Learn.

Photo by Jackson So on Unsplash

A Beginner's Introduction to HTML via Solo-Learn.

The HTML course on solo learn's website is a very simple and well explained introduction to HTML basics and fundamentals needed to get into building a career for yourself in web development. Although often glanced over, an in-depth knowledge of HTML is needed to develop any website. The Solo-Learn course explains some of the core topics in HTML, gives you detailed examples and even exercises to practice whatever you have learnt from each section. The course is divided into various sections which I will briefly introduce:

  1. Overview:The first section introduces HTML as Hypertext Markup Language and the basic structure that a HTML document should follow when being written. Tags like < head >< / head >, < title >< / title> are also introduced to the student in this section. A task is also introduced at the end of this section to test your knowledge on the completed section.

  2. Basics of HTML: This section dives right into the many other tags that HTML is made up of, including headings, paragraphs, horizontal lines, comments, breaks, etc. It also includes text formatting tags like < i >, , , , etc. There are also various exercises to take on the topics discussed in this section.

  3. HTML 5: The HTML 5 section introduces new content models (including flow content, sectioning content, phrasing, metadata, embedded, interactive, heading etc.) and the new additional content models that come with this update. Headers, articles, aside, nav and footer etc., are also explained in detail in this section with examples and exercises to reiterate what was discussed. Fundamentals like embedding of videos, images, creating and correctly labelling forms, page structure was also discussed in detail. Different types of input (including, text, telephone, color picker, email, date picker etc.) and how they can be used to build modern and interactive websites were also show cased. Furthermore, topics like web storage which are of two types namely, session storage and local storage were discussed. The differences between these two types of storage were also emphasized stating that the session storage as the name implies is destroyed once the user closes the browser while the local storage stores data with no expiration date. Another fundamental topic that was discussed is SVG (Scalar Vector Graphics) which is used to draw via HTML style markup, it offers several methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and graphic images.

Summary: This course is a very good and FREE way for beginners to get into coding and web-development. Other courses (like CSS, JavaScript and React + Redux) can also be taken to improve oneself. The sections are tailored in such a way that the student is not overwhelmed and there are mini exercises that help the student practice and see how the theories are being applied. If you do decide to pursue a career in coding, I would recommend that after having took this course you practice and continue to develop yourself further by getting to know the topics mentioned above in details on other websites, for example w3schools.com.

Reference: sololearn.com founded by : Yeva Hyusyan, David Kocharyan